Accessable nature tour on the top of the Salpausselkä ridge
What does the Salpausselkä ridge in Lohja hiding inside? At the top of the First Salpausselkä ridge, guided nature tour of Lohjanharju, you will learn about the historical significance of the area...€20.00
Accessable nature tour on the top of the Salpausselkä ridge
What does the Salpausselkä ridge in Lohja hiding inside? At the top of the First Salpausselkä ridge, guided nature tour of Lohjanharju, you will learn about the historical significance of the area...€120.00
Accessible Tytyri Mine Experience near Helsinki-area
Explore a unique tourist attraction in Lohja, South Finland with your group. On your journey into the undergrounds, you will see how the 100-year-old limestone industry, combined with KONE's...€80.00